Marlène DEVILLEZ and Nicolas CAUSSANEL travel the rivers to show the beauty of these places and raise awareness about climate change Marlène Devillez and Nicolas Caussanel, both high level kayakers, have been paddling for more than 20 years. These enthusiasts have many titles in extreme competitions to their credit, and have decided to raise awareness […]


L'association Coup de pouce en pleine action pour aider les enfants à progresser à l'école.

L’association Coup de Pouce – partner for success at school: reinforcing math skills in CE1-CE2. CLEM – the Reading, Writing and Mathematics Club of the Henri IV school in Chartres aims to help children acquire fundamental knowledge in CE1-CE2 ! The objective of the Coup de Pouce association, through their CLEM club, is to help […]


The Eco-citizen schoolchildren project allows students to share their discoveries and to discover in return. This helps to create a positive emulation and to travel while staying in the classroom. United Schools is an association recognized as being of general interest, created in Dijon in 2017. From the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, where it took its first […]


Eva HORREAU, a student in L2 language sciences at the University of Orleans, has set herself the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro by the Machame route. Summer of 2021, Eva HORREAU, daughter of an ORCOM Orléans collaborator and a young student of 20 years old, took up the challenge of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, a physical […]