« Young people are full of ideas and energy but are held back by lack of money. We want to help them carry out their projects. Moreover, the foundation is in line with our image, our role as a citizen. We train a lot of young people : we are aiming for 80 apprentices this year. We help trainee accountants to complete their dissertation… Supporting youth was an obvious choice, an additional way to develop our employer brand, and a way to increase the involvement of ORCOM employees, who can propose projects carried out by young people in their environment ! »
Bruno ROUILLÉ, General Manager of ORCOM.
« When Mash Up Tours was created, we heard about the ORCOM Corporate Foundation from our partner Pépite Centre Val de Loire. We already knew about the ORCOM company but we had not heard about this device aiming at helping future projects and in favor of the youth. Our association aims to promote entrepreneurship among students and professionals by organizing conferences where entrepreneurs from various sectors come to talk about their experiences.
Our partners are at the heart of our association, which is why it has been very beneficial for us to receive both financial and human support from the ORCOM Corporate Foundation. Indeed, our contact at the foundation is always there to advise us when we propose a theme, to suggest potential speakers and also to accompany the young entrepreneurs who are highlighted during our conferences. We are delighted with this partnership and we obviously hope that it will last over time, hoping that ORCOM will continue to support us to make Mash Up Tours grow. »
Victor Pilsudski, association Mash’Up Tours.

« Sharing with project leaders, discovering innovative initiatives in favor of youth is a source of personal and professional fulfillment for me.
I am always amazed by the humanism and commitment of these men and women, who are truly passionate !
I am happy to see projects come to fruition thanks to our foundation and I encourage all those who want to be useful to the youth to continue their actions. »
Sylvain Garnier, coordinator of the ORCOM Corporate Foundation